Adolescents sk8 & punk

by jep 15 July 2011

Skate e punk is tradition… bastard gladly supports the WIPE OUT SK8 & PUNK festival at Palamedia di Bovisio Masciago (MB) with a burst of bands and the great Adolescents as well as Burning Heads!

  • gates open at 2 pm
  • skate contest from 2:30 pm

concerts from 4 pm >> WITHOUT (stoner-punk) | SEDITIUS (h/c) | KILLER SOUND (punk rock Fat Wreck style) | SANTA MUERTE (r’n’roll caballeros)  TEMPORAL SLUTS (punk rock’n’roll) | SVETLANAS (soviet punk rock) | LEECHES (punk rock)

9:15 pm >> BURNING HEADS – storica band su Epitaph from Orleans – France

10:30 pm >> ADOLESCENTS – punk rock legend from Los Angeles – California

Admission is € 6 at 2 pm and € 12 after 6 pm.

Aggressive non-violence: Toy Boarders

by jep 15 July 2011

Skateboarding version of skate army men… maybe if kids start playing with these instead of the army ones, as was happening to my generation, in twenty years we’ll have a lot of parks! At least I want to believe in this as it seems that this long-term marketing strategy worked pretty well with wars.

More info and pics on
You can find The Original AJ’s Toy Boarders at the bastard store. Peace.

Lupi on Dogway cover

by giuli 15 July 2011

Raul Lupi Lupianez is featured on the cover of Dogway, the most popular skateboard magazine in Spain. Check out his interview and his Cinco Trucos inside the mag.

Blue Wednesday: Jamie Thomas

by giuli 15 July 2011

On Wednesday, May 18th we received the visit of the legendary Jamie Thomas, milestone in worldwide skateboarding, along with some of the Fallen riders with whom he was on a filming trip between UK, Switzerland, Italy and Croatia. The crew was composed by considerable names in the skate scene like Tommy Sandoval, Tom Asta, Garret Hill, Jack Curtin, Jon Dickson, Dane Burman and Antony Schultz.

With the occasion we had a chat with Jamie Thomas, who tells us in this video interview how to concile being a company man and a skateboarder at the same time, as well as the importance of having a skatepark in the office, very valued issue here at bastard too.

The boys took advantage of the bastard bowl to have a good skate session for stimulating the appetite for their first italian meal, to which we all participated with great pleasure thanks to California Sport’s owner Giampaolo’s invitation.

Marco Lambertucci on ABG 07 cover

by giuli 15 July 2011

Marco Lambertucci, a.k.a. Bauli, opens up the last issue of ABG with this cover-worthy bluntslide. Inside the mag other flicks of Bauli, who, from what i see started the summer just on the right foot!

A weekend full of contests

by davidelp 15 July 2011