Open House Milano, IV Edizione

by jep 20 May 2019

Open House Milano IV Edizione - bastard store

Sunday May 26 the bastard store is in the Open House Milano IV Edizione program, closing the Milano Arch Week. Open House Milano is a whole weekend dedicated to public and private buildings with a relevant footprint in architecture, supported by dedicated and volunteer guides.

Come to discover by yourself how we put a bowl for skateboarding upthere in the ex Cinema Istria now bastard store. Read the rest of this entry »

bastard in Open House Milano 2018 edition

by jep 20 May 2019

bastard store - front

Saturday May 5 and Sunday 6 the bastard store opens its door for the Open House Milano 2018:  a whole weekend dedicated to public and private buildings with a relevant footprint in architecture, supported by dedicated and volunteer guides.

Read the rest of this entry »

Total Office Design

by lorebini 20 May 2019

Thames & Hudson has just published Total Office Design – 50 Contemporary Workplaces, a 320 pages book edited by Kerstin Zumstein and Helen Parton featuring fifty office projects from around the world.

To the bastard store by studiometrico  the editors dedicated four pages with pictures by Giuliano Berarducci.



The book is now available at the bastard store – as usual – and costs € 30,00.

bastard store on the book italiArchitettura 4

by jep 20 May 2019

The book italiArchitettura (UTET edizioni) is part of a serie dedicated to italian architecture studios. This fourth volume deals with interiors and consists of more than threehundred pages, fourteen dedicated to the bastard store project of studiometrico.

Until now I think this is the best documentation ever published, with technical drawings and high quality details of the construction of the bastard bowl.

[…] questa quarta uscita di italiArchitettura è dedicata agli interni, che rappresentano un capitolo consistente, forse uno dei più importanti, della produzione architettonica nazionale. In un Paese dove si costruisce poco e si ristruttura molto è infatti inevitabile che parte delle migliori energie progettuali si riversino nel recupero di spazi già realizzati.

– Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi

You can buy the book online.
Watch out english readers as the book is written in italian only!

Re-Use Architecture

by jep 20 May 2019

Braun Publishing just published Chris van Uffelen’s Re-Use Architecture, a 408 pages bulky book with amazing images and descriptions of recent and notable re-use architecture projects.

To the bastard store project by studiometrico, on the refurbishing of the old Cinema Istria, the book dedicates a four page feature with Giuliano Berarducci’s photographs.

Available from today at bastard store – of course – for € 78,00.

Talking bastard – Politecnico di Milano

by lorebini 20 May 2019