Documentary on Yari[lang_jp]ヤリのドキュメンタリー[lang_jp]

by GroS 20 February 2008

Yari Copt camera

SKATE IS NOT A SPORT” this is the name of the documentary about Yari Copt‘s life. Produced by RTSI (swiss television) was on air last monday night. I really like it, it talks about Yari’s way of life, about him as a skateboarder, as a singer of Those Furious Flame (his band), about his fight against the cancer, about the Warriors (his crew), his work and his dreams… What else? just Yari….

  1. lorebini Says:

    Ma il titolo l’ha scelto GroS?

  2. lorebini Says:

    Comunque mi piacerebbe molto vederlo.

  3. GroS Says:

    il titolo non l’ho scelto io, anzi è uno slogan di Consolideted… comunque se clicchi sul titolo ti manda al sito della tv svizzera clicchi su guarda il video e te lo guardi….

  4. GroS Says:


  5. maxbombs Says:

    Non riesco a vederlo, sento solo la voce, grande Yari!

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