Frontiers of Interaction V

by jep 2 June 2009


Leeander point us to the fifth edition of Frontiers of Interaction, this time in Rome.

A day of speeches and interviews with the theme:
Social networking, internet of things, smart cities or how tecnologies are changing our life.

Here the schedule of the day.

  1. BAD PASSION Says:

    A proposito di come la tecnologia ti cambia la vita……qualcuno mi può illuminare su come mettere l’avatar?……senza mi sento privo di identità!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. jep Says:

    Puoi usare Gravatar

  3. BAD PASSION Says:

    Grazie del consiglio!!!…finalmente ho una faccina anche io!!!!!!!!!

  4. jep Says:

    annamo bbene

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