Photoshop workshop

by giuli 30 June 2009

In the COMVERT HQ offices, located in Via Scipio Slataper 19, Milano, we will hold on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th July, a workshop with Marianna Santoni, Adobe guru in Photoshop for photography. Hours will be 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm each day.

The program is as follows:

  • Day 1: Overview on the Raw format, how to shoot it best and how to handle it in camera raw. Brief overlook on archiviation and digital flow management in Lighroom. Working with layers, layer masks, etc.
  • Day 2: Advanced selection and retouching techniques; working with channels; overview on unsharp masks.
  • Day 3: Optimization of images for RGB and CMYK print; practical exercises on all of the aforementioned subjects.

If you’re interested, even for one of the three days, we still have a couple of vacant seats, if you pass the admission test!

Lessons will be held in italian. We also recommend bringing your own laptop.

Info: or 333-9595-730