The Smoke @ primo maggio concert in Rome

by GroS 28 April 2009

Today I got a fantastic news! The Smoke will play at the “Concerto del Primo Maggio 2009 ” wich is one of the biggest live music event in Italy. (will be live on Raitre from 15:15. the band will play around 18:00)

They will play tree songs from the last album Routes out last october (Wayout Eventi/Edel): Wasn’t it youTo themSave all the kids, e la cover di Bob Marley “War” just for let everybody knows their way to be.

bastard bowl on TSPORT #266

by GroS 28 April 2009


TSPORT is a magazine about sport and recreational facilities. Inside the issue n° 266 there are three pages about the bastard bowl written by Riccardo Consoli. 

Electric Safari Session Rinviata a pasqua

by GroS 28 April 2009

meteoCausa maltempo che si sta per abbattere sopra la ridente località di Gaverland abbiamo deciso di rinviare il photoshooting ai giorni 12 e 13 di Aprile

March 28th Electric Safari Session @ Gaverland

by GroS 28 April 2009


Saturday 28th @ Gaverland there will be the Electric Safari Session. Here the program:

Saturday morning fotoshooting with the Electric ski and snowboard team on a big jump made just for the session by Mattia Molnar, Alessandro Bianchetti and the Soul Park City Boys with the Gaverland powerfool tools.

If that’s not enough, saturday night the park on the bottom of the mountain it will be open with the lights.

Saturday night @ Campras BBQ, and from the 23:00 bastard party with dj Cor/radio.

For hotel booking:
HOTEL EUROPA: tel. 0365/903095; or 349/2817526
RIFUGIO CAMPRAS: tel. 0365/99210 or 349/6740477

Mago Gavazzeni vs. world crisis

by GroS 28 April 2009


Mago Gavazzeni wants to help us fight the world crisis! Here are a few numbers that will change your life:


Filip Zuan new web site

by GroS 28 April 2009


Today good friend of us Filip announce that his website has been given a proper facelift. Splitted into two independent sites; one part with the design works and and the other features photography projects. All sections of both pages have been updated with new contents and recent projects.
So start explore the design and photography works.

(Italiano) Scarpe di tartaruga?

by GroS 28 April 2009

Paolo “Pablo” Martinoglio join Electric team Europe

by GroS 28 April 2009


Congratulation to our best ski rider Electric passes to the European team. here a little interview to know him better.

How did you get in the european team?
It was not much easy. I have tried to demonstrate to the people who trust me,  that I was making of my best and that it would have helped me have the possibility to confront myselfe with the international scene.

What about being a part of this reality?
It is an honor and a great opportunity. Be with international riders will help me a lot to get better and better eather grow up tecnilly and with the motivation. I will try to give my best to make the people who belived me happy.

If something change, what does changed your life of rider to be a part of the european team?
Sure something will change, now is only at the beginning. What I waited for is to participate to some Shooting and contests for being able to demonstrate that they exist also Italian skier in the international scene!

With all this snowing, did you make something interesting this winter?
This winter we are luky! In US they have not so much, we are covered! This winter I did some contest outside of Italy and a lot of powder!

Do you have some “international” program?
I hope! Now i have to go to the European Open, and than we will see… I hope to travel a lot!

Take a look on the video Limone supersession with John Olsson

ONLYWOOD Prima Visione on Current TV

by GroS 28 April 2009

A few days ago Current TV published this video report about bastard, and the grand opening of the new COMVERT HQ: ONLYWOOD Prima Visione. In the video there are a few images of the party with a some skate footage with our good friend Igor Fardin (white hat) and Daniel Cardone. The video is filmed and edited by Brandon.

Nikolai on Alai video

by GroS 28 April 2009
Nikolai Danov

Nikolai Danov

Alaikit, the last video produced from the Alai team just came out. The video is great, with skaters like Marcos Chami and Alain Goikoetxea, truly super monster all terrain. In the flow riders part there are a few tricks of our Nikolai Danov who spent the last summer in Spain and has left the sign.

You can download or watch the video on the Alai website. Good job Alai and Bravo Niko.