Daniel Johnston – The Devil and the Daniel

by GroS 19 May 2008

The first personal art show of Daniel Johnston in Italy. from 22 may to 4th of july @ galleria Antonio Colombo Arte Contemporanea via Solferino 44 Milano. from tuesday to friday, open at 15:00 to 19:00. Vernissage thursday 22 may 18:30. So… let’s go!

A Nomad point of view, Lupi videopart.

by GroS 19 May 2008

A Nomad point of view is the name of the video product by the spanish skate company called Nomad. this is Lupi‘s videopart

MUTO: Blu animation on the wall

by GroS 19 May 2008

Surfing on the web i just saw an amazing animatione made by a genius Called Blu. Painted on the walls of Buenos Aires this is a real masterpiece! I’ve never seen something like that, you must to watch it!!!!

Tropical Pizza in da house

by GroS 19 May 2008

Yesterday Nikki e DJ Aladyn from radio Deejay came to visit us, ready for the party guys?

Sud Sound System in da house

by GroS 19 May 2008

Tonight in milano there is the concert for the promotion of the new LP “Dammene ancora” , and yesterday the Sud Sound System came to visit us. They are one of our favorite band, and Don Rico and co. just built a miniramp in their backyard. They love skateboarding and snowboarding, but their favourite is surfing. Anyway, tonight we’ll be there to surf their sound!

Pray for me: Jason Jessee movie

by GroS 19 May 2008

In today’s professional skateboarding, with top “athletes” easily making million dollar, I wanna talk about a legend of skatebording, this is a movie about Jason Jessee a skater superstar of the end of the 80’s. A man who never make a decision based on the money. A real genius or a real lunatic, I don’t know, the line between the two is very thin. Click here for the trailer[l/ang_en]

Bauli in China out everywhere

by GroS 19 May 2008

Marco Lambertucci in febbrary was with the Blind Europe for the China tour. Now is on Linked and Skateboard magazine # 57

Photoshooting in Milano

by GroS 19 May 2008

In these days the Lazy Riders are around Milano to shoot some footage with Julien Castel and Filip Zuan. Special guest Ale Magnani From Switzerland.

Extreme Pete kicks ass

by GroS 19 May 2008

I found this sponsor me video surfing on the Tube… Danny, can you take him?

Nikolai ‘Slept On’ on Kingpin

by GroS 19 May 2008

On Kingpin N.52 there is an 8 pages presentation (aka Slept On) of Nikolai Danov made by photographer Mirai Pulvirenti.