Artistuff: Giovanni Donadini itw

by jep 21 October 2008

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Well, I turned into a martian… Woah oh oh

by jep 21 October 2008

bastard bowl

In the last three months we haven’t been able to fully committ to building the bowl as, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), we have been swamped with work in between delivering the bastard winter collection and developing the new line.

Installing the metallic net along the borders wasn’t exactly a piece of cake, having to deal with drilling holes and screwing bolts into metal directly on the spot. To ensure the net to the crossbars we used bolts with selfblocking nutcases.. so we’ll feel safe even when Scott Bourne shows up.

We entirely redesigned the lighting scheme, in order to get rid of poorly lit areas:

We switched the big neons from the sides to the center.
Plus we installed a light ring all around the double ceiling and into the groove that used to host the old cinema screen. Now the lighting’s perfect!

The hips corners were carved out of multilayer wood blocks (larch + fir), leftovers from building the offices… recycling rules!

The first paneling layer was laid down using a custom tool created for the occasion, nicknamed The Longherone (thanks Lorenzo Bini, Nils @INODA+SVEJE and Andrea Paulicelli @mamadesignlab !)… and as the mind wanders looking for new lines we get ready for the grand opening night FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24TH

Here are some pics, taken by Giuliano Berarducci, Gros and Jep:

Machine cut panels

Machine cut panels

Hip edges

Hip edges

Hip edge shaping

Hip edge shaping

Monolith carving

Monolith carving

Test-corner curved edges

Test-corner curved edges

We got plans for the future

We got plans for the future

bastard bowl

bastard bowl

Beer case for the workers

Beer case for the workers

Wooden steps

Wooden steps



The Longherone

The Longherone

Securing the Longherone

Securing the Longherone

Jep & Maradona chilling on the corner

Jep & Maradona chilling on the corner

Andrea and his longherone

Andrea and his longherone

Jep, Lorenzo Bini and Nils Sveje

Jep, Lorenzo Bini (studiometrico) and Nils Sveje (INODA+SVEJE)

GRILL’EM ALL Brescia, video report

by GroS 21 October 2008

Here is the videoreport of the Brescia issue of bastard GRILL’EM ALL. Filmed and edited by Sergio Minnici.

Lazy Riders Greek tour

by GroS 21 October 2008

The Lazy Riders gonna be in Athen from tomorrow to sunday for a Greek tour. Alpha Triad (our Greek distributor) is waiting for Marco Lambertucci, Raùl Lupiañez and Daniele Galli togheter with the spanish filmer Julian Castel for some days of tour around Athen, untill we go to the Actionway sport expo.

Un tranquillo week end da paura: miniramp skate contest

by GroS 21 October 2008

I was too lazy to translate this in English

Skatopia the movie: 88 acres of anarchy

by GroS 21 October 2008

What’s the skaters dream? Take a place, build some crazy ramps and skate togheter with friends. That’s what skatopia is about, a bunch of hardcore skaters building an anarchical dream of freedom. And now this dream is becoming a movie, check it out

Danny on Skateboard #59 cover

by GroS 21 October 2008

On this issue, the Lazy Riders Rappresent! inside you can read about the “El Conejo” tour and the Globe tour in Sicily with Marco Labertucci in full effect. Good job guys!

GRILL’EM ALL, everybody’s talkin’

by GroS 21 October 2008

The other night I was in Bologna for the Metallica concert, at the end of the show, the singer talk about the GRILL’EM ALL in Brescia on August the 2nd. If James says that you have to come, you must come!

Today, I was surfing on the tube, and I saw this video. It should be the first fake b a s t a r d GRILL?EM ALL… Those guys are genius! but don’t worry, we will be in Torino on August 31st.

GRILL’EM ALL Brescia 2 agosto

by GroS 21 October 2008

Second date of the famous skate/grill tour. this time we hit Brescia Railway skatepark and the program is still the same. We start with the team b a s t a r d around 16:30 and when we are tired enough we begin to grill and open the beers. Limited edition t-shirt only for the champions! (of what?). Everything is supported by b a s t a r d! See you there!

Bauli on Puzzle cover

by GroS 21 October 2008

On Puzzle issue jul/aug there is a videoreport of the Globe tour in Sicily. Marco Lambertucci has the cover and some huge tricks inside the video. What are you waiting for? download it here.