Siesta Boys is not a crime!

by GroS 15 July 2008

On the trip to the Bright tradeshow in Frankfurt we happened to crash into these amazing artists playing songs for t-shirts. The Siesta Boys just switch the most popular songs flavour to a skate one. Trust me, it’s dead funny!

GRILL ‘EM ALL chapter 2

by GroS 15 July 2008

Grill'Em All - July 20th, Parco Lambro - Milano

Back agan! As usual we are going to start the tour from the Lambro skatepark in Milano, july the 20th. We start with the team bastard around 16:30 and when we are tired enough we begin to grill and open the beers. Limited edition t-shirt only for the champions! (of what?). Everything is supported by bastard! See you there!

Danny on Linked 007

by GroS 15 July 2008


Check on Linked 007, there is a porfolio by Filip Zuan with a very nice picture of Daniele Galli.


Nikolai Danov 3rd place at WCS In Ostia

by GroS 15 July 2008

Last Friday, During the world cup of skateboarding in Ostia, Nikolai Danov end up third, just behind Milton Martinez (Argentina) at the first place and the briasilian Daniel Viera at the second place. Click here to watch the video report of the contest. Great job Niko!

bastard @ Bright Summer 08

by jep 15 July 2008

Bright Tradeshow 08

bastard will be at the Bright tradeshow in Frankfurt from July 11 to 13. Ground floor, room n° 44.

[lang_de]vom 11. bis 13. Juli findet die Bright Tradeshow in Frankfurt statt. bastard wird auch dort sein: Erdgeschoss, Raum Nr. 44. Uhrzeit: 10.00 bis 18.00.

Die Bright Tradeshow ist fast ausschliesslich dem Skateboarding gewidmet (einschliesslich Bowl im Inneren und Skatepark im äußeren Bereich). Auch wenn sich die Bright Tradeshow hauptsächlich auf den deutschen Markt bezieht ist sie doch auch ein wichtiger europäischer Treffpunkt und bietet einen Überblick über den Produktmarkt.[/lang_de]

Everybody think about the lines in the meanwhile

by jep 15 July 2008


The structure for the bowl is almost completed without hand cutting any of the planned components… for the rest of us used to build ramps making adjustments with the saw, working at a millimetric level of detail sounds incredible!

The elevator - 1,85 to 2,10 mt. cornerThe extension - h 2,50 mt.GroS hip 120° and The Love SeatMain hip 135° - detailJune 5th - view from the bastard design office

More pics are published on Atelier-LC website.

30 anni di Indipendent

by davidelp 15 July 2008

La company di skateboard truck più celebre al mondo si appresta a festeggiare il suo trentesimo compleanno. Ten distribution, che distribuisce Indy in Svizzera, ha pensato di organizzare un bel tour in giro per i quattro cantoni. Il tour inizia il 6 giugno alla Black Cross Bowl di Basel e terminerà il 23 settembre con un mega evento a cui parteciperà il Pro team Indipendent tra cui militano Haslam, NavaretteHewittLizard KingGuzmann e Gravette.

In attesa vi segnaliamo che sabato 7 giugno il tour farà tappa al park di Lugano, terra di caccia dei Warriors e di molti italiani di confine. In programma best trick sia in bowl che in street, demo del team Vox e tutto si concluderà con il Warriors Toga Party con la mitica “piggia di birra” termine indefinibile letteralmente ma ben conosciuto da chi ha già vissuto l’esperienza…

Ci saranno i nostri Daniele Galli, Marco Mina e Yari Copt, se volete accodarvi non avete che da seguire il van bastard, partenza all’alba da Milano,

The bowl takes shape

by jep 15 July 2008

view from the platform

This week the work on the bowl site slowed down a bit due to some building components not easy to produce… and the Polish worker (a.k.a. Marcin Solecki) being injured at the Parco Lambro skatepark. Nothing too serious and he’ll be back on board soon. On the other hand Giuliano Berarducci joined us to document the site with pictures beside working on a couple of parallel projects that sound pretty interesting.

Giuliano is the founder of the roman skateshop First Love, creator of the fanzine OrangeValleyEnt and he takes quality skatebording shots since 2001. He is one of the few Italian photographers that sport pictures published on Skateboarder, Thrasher and The Skateboard Mag. When he is not stuck in Milano he works for Affiliate in Chicago.

view from the (future) platform'Bruno della bastard' takes care of the stockAndrea Vecchi working on the edgenumbered part is good!...numbered parts are very good!Max Bonassi and myself still smiling

[lang_jp]その他の写真は、こちらのサイトでもご覧いただけます:[/lang_jp]p.s. Other pics are published on Atelier-LC. Do it yourself! and on inoda+sveje blog (japanese lang)

The RHINO rush!

by MAS™ 15 July 2008

tool, rhino, multipurpose, attrezzo, skate, snow, surf

It seems those eminent doctors from ADI even spotted some good news through the usual big brands of italian design.

The clever RHINO bastard is small but strong! With sure rams he got a rilevant place on the pages of ADI Design Index, amongst the bunch of renowned signatures like Pininfarina or Renzo Piano.

Since 1954 the ADI foundation for italian design holds every year the Compasso d’Oro prize, for notable results in projects, products and research that took place inside the national boundaries.

The best wishes are all for Enrique Luis Sardi, because he’s the friend who tamed the beast, together with the precious hints of our man, Max Bonassi.


Marcin speeds up the bowl construction

by jep 15 July 2008

Marcin Solecki - bastard bowl site

Marcin Solecki has been recruited for the bastard bowl.

Below some pics of the last days on site.

Marcin fissa i sostegni per le centine

Bruno, Max Bonassi, Marco, Andrea Vecchi e Marcin

Ancoraggio della base di appoggio


Andrea Vecchi, Marcin Solecki e Marco Clozza