ClaudioB itw on Art For Business Magazine

by lorebini 14 November 2011

This Month Art For Business Magazine published a double interview with the title “Contemporary Organizations: an academic and an entrepreneur confront each other”, the academic is Alberto De Toni, dean of the Udine engineering faculty, while the entrepreneur is Claudio Bernardini, co-founder at bastard.

The two are first asked to answer the same questions – and there are significant analogies in what they say – and then to ask a question to each other… and here our mate goes on with his Spaghetti Organization theory.

! The interview is available in italian language only.

  1. jep Says:

    eheh ‘sorprende’ è un parolone visto che saranno almeno 5 anni che stresso con la Spaghetti… ormai la ho superata comunque, tranquilli

  2. lorebini Says:

    alla fine siamo tutti ‘spaghetto children’…

  3. giuli Says:

    Che bella quest’intervista doppia… Complimenti a Jep e a De Toni! Molto interessante la riflessione su come l’auto-organizzazione nel medio periodo tenda a riaccostarsi alle dinamiche gerarchiche. Spaghetti discipline?

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