Fonda & Sanchez wallpaint at the bastard bowl

by jep 27 February 2009

Lorenzo Fonda & Sergi Sanchez

In the picture above the artpiece made by Lorenzo Fonda (who’s leaving for Los Angeles where he wants to stay more than usual) and Sergi Sanchez after 12 hours of session alternating painting/skateboarding at the bastard bowl.

My take: if you smell something rotten do something… or pay the consequences after sometime.

  1. giuli Says:

    Finalmente ho capito!!! :)

  2. ivanskating Says:

    Sembra molto bello.

  3. LadyLeggings Says:

    WOW bellissimooo!

  4. lorebini Says:

    Mi piace molto questa foto! surreale come il contenuto del dipinto. solo una cosa: ma perchè ‘terrazzino’? non si chiamavano pianali una volta?

  5. Fabio Says:

    molto bello. viene voglia di wallridearlo

  6. jep Says:

    On the making of (time lapse video)

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