Marcin Solecki Memorial Day
by giuli 1 June 2010Last Saturday, May 29th, a Memorial skatejam was held at the Cinecittà Skatepark in Rome to say goodbye to our friend Marcin Solecki, prematurely departed on May 14th, 2010.
The event wants to be annual, and i really hope it does make it every year, and that the participation will be massive and fervent as it was for this first edition.
It’s been a good day, a success, an occasion to meet old friends and find out new ones, cheering each other up. Skateboarding has always had a social cohesive factor in the lives of many of us, and so it was for Marcin. I was moved to see people i wasn’t even expecting to be there, and i was moved by the awesome murale that the Black Hand, his crew, dedicated to him at the skatepark entrance. Marcin was a true friend and an inspiration to me, and i think he was to many of the people that were there Saturday.
A big thank you to everybody that attended the jam.
June 1st, 2010 at 19:20:46
Un ringraziamento particolare va a Fabio Liguori, senza il quale nulla sarebbe stato possibile. E un pensiero positivo va a Monika, la sorella di Marcin, che possa pian piano ritrovare un po’ di serenità dopo questa tragedia. E ringrazio anche Marcin per i begli anni passati a skateare e girare insieme. Mille avventure col polaka chicano! Mi mancherai…
June 3rd, 2010 at 01:37:40
bellissima giornata al park
June 5th, 2010 at 00:25:10
guys thank you for doing this for my cousin Marcin and for Momo they always were far away from their family in Poland but you are also like family to them… We miss Marcin everyday and I we will love him forever. I wish I could be there for Marcin in Rome…Thanks for U guys and Columbia Crew…