No Visa? More party!

by jep 10 January 2011

Andrea Vecchi got trapped in Chengdu – big city in the southwest part of China – during his last trip for the new bastard samples check, as his VISA ran out of validity. Government authorities attached two cops to him with the order to follow him everywhere.

If you are travelling China and need a safe guide for the country…

Here below is direct tale and more pictures:

While I was in transit for Shanghai, they realized my VISA ran out of validity on december the 30th 2010. So they stopped me at the airport while I was struggling to solve the problem. Chinese people feel very sorry in these kind of situations so they helped me out a lot, let me call from their cells, offered me tea and always spoke on my behalf.

As it was Sunday there was nothing to do and so I asked to spend the night in a nearby hotel. At that point these two young and shy cops arrived.They did not speak english and were triyng to act serious even if often they couldn’t help laughing about the situation… they were always on my side and were taking turns to sleep – after breakfast they both passed out though – and they wouldn’t even let me look at my passport. Such an experience! I think i may even have developed Stockholm syndrome!

Rock On China

by jep 10 January 2011

Last week at bastard store we received a visit from a group of young Chinese professionals who are attending the Master Course of Interior Design Management, organized by and Lan Tao Culture.

Rock On China!

Bauli in China out everywhere

by GroS 10 January 2011

Marco Lambertucci in febbrary was with the Blind Europe for the China tour. Now is on Linked and Skateboard magazine # 57

Marco Lambertucci in China[lang_jp]マルコ・ランベルツッチが中国から[/lang_jp]

by GroS 10 January 2011


On Puzzle videomag Mar/aprl 2008 issue there is the videoreport of the Blind Europe tour in China.

It was on january, the weather was not so good, but he did a great job! click here to watch the video.

Bauli now is gettin bigger and bigger, thanks also to his other sponsors that support him along with bastard! keep rockin!

(Not So) Proudly Made By Those Shady Italians

by jep 10 January 2011


Interessante la trasmissione Report che è andata in onda Domenica su Raitre con il titolo Schiavi del Lusso.

Si è parlato dell’abusato MADE IN ITALY e dei laboratori con operai cinesi (che lavorano in nero e in pochi hanno permesso di soggiorno) gestiti da cinesi in Italia che confezionano capi e borse per i vari Dolc&Gabbiano della moda italiana.

Si riesce così a produrre “in Italia” una borsa a € 28 e a venderla nei propri negozi in via Montenapolene a € 440… non ci sarebbe nulla da dire sul markup applicato (anzi forse ci starebbe un bel complimenti!) se non fosse che il prodotto, lasciando da parte qualsiasi questione morale non per tutti i commercianti, è realizzato illegalmente ed è chiaramente un danno per i concorrenti che non usano gli stessi sistemi e per mantenere un prezzo di mercato producono in Cina… quella vera!

Nulla di nuovo penso, ma fa piacere che se ne parli in tv su una rete pubblica.

Per chi è interessato, la trascrizione integrale dei testi ed i video delle inchieste si possono trovare sul sito