Bauli on Puzzle cover
by GroS 16 July 2008 On Puzzle issue jul/aug there is a videoreport of the Globe tour in Sicily. Marco Lambertucci has the cover and some huge tricks inside the video. What are you waiting for? download it here.
On Puzzle issue jul/aug there is a videoreport of the Globe tour in Sicily. Marco Lambertucci has the cover and some huge tricks inside the video. What are you waiting for? download it here.
Last Friday, During the world cup of skateboarding in Ostia, Nikolai Danov end up third, just behind Milton Martinez (Argentina) at the first place and the briasilian Daniel Viera at the second place. Click here to watch the video report of the contest. Great job Niko!
A Nomad point of view is the name of the video product by the spanish skate company called Nomad. this is Lupi‘s videopart
Marco Lambertucci in febbrary was with the Blind Europe for the China tour. Now is on Linked and Skateboard magazine # 57
On Kingpin N.52 there is an 8 pages presentation (aka Slept On) of Nikolai Danov made by photographer Mirai Pulvirenti.
Yesterday night at the LambroSkatepark here in Milano there was a photosession with Daniele Galli, Nikolai Danov e Cristian “amen” Amendolara. It’s soo fun to skate at dark… unfortunately the Milan City Council still insist on negating lights to the skaters while claiming the city a modern one and hooray for the Expo. So we had to use our own.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.
On Puzzle videomag Mar/aprl 2008 issue there is the videoreport of the Blind Europe tour in China.
It was on january, the weather was not so good, but he did a great job! click here to watch the video.
Bauli now is gettin bigger and bigger, thanks also to his other sponsors that support him along with bastard! keep rockin!
On Monday, March 24th at the Railway Skatepark in Brescia there is the opening season party! bastard will be there not only for the team demo, best trick contest and bbq party, but also for the music of DJ Ronnie D… and the beer! See you there.
On the cover of Entry # 22 Mattia Molnar is doing a front flip indy. Inside there is a good interview with our suisse rider. The interview by Taz is about the feelings of Mattia for the snowboarding scene in Ticino Switzerland, and his true love for the mountain… He speaks about the Intol Crew project and how he sees himself in the future. Boiler did the shoots and he did a very good job.