Luca Zamoc was born in the mid eighties and learned the first drawing notions from comic books, the bible and anatomy books. He later on moves to Milano to take an art direction and graphic design course at Nuova Accademia dell’Arte art academy. He draws on any media, from walls to paper to digital illustrations. He recently left again left his gray hometown, the city of Modena, moving subsequently to Los Angeles, New York, Berlin, London, Venice and now Istanbul.
May he have changed since we last saw him? Judging from the clothes he designed for the bastard collection, he is still his same old self, but like a good wine, his art just gets better with age.
Death is the only big theme in my work.
I’m not good at describing life, i don’t know how to use colors, i can’t draw people (women in particular) and i can’t tell anything pleasant. If you visit my tumblr it’s all guts, monsters and assassins.
Here is the exclusive Interview with the Death.