bastard Grill’Em All – Val Senales

by davidelp 10 July 2009


We proudly announce the first Val Senales edition of the infamous bastard Grill’Em All.

Saturday, July 26th we’ll be waiting for you with a nice bbq, beer (obviously Forst), music and friends. Along with some skateboarding and snowboarding (for those who can!). Together with the ever present Alex FakieShop and the gentlemenriders , we’ll have the whole Lazy Riders squad: Lukas Goller, Whatza and Mattia Molnar are gonna show some actiion at the snowpark saturday morning, while Nikolai Danov, Marco Lambertucci and Daniele Galli will be testing the skatepark.

What else? The snowpark is sick, the skatepark got recently re-layered, and the beers will stay cool ’til late night, so i guess i’ll see you there!
Booking and info:

P.s. There’s a tempting Weekend offer at the Zirm Hotel, all you can drink until 10pm!

Electric Safari session report

by davidelp 10 July 2009

Tobias Sherlin visto dal fish eye di Daniele Kaehr

Read the rest of this entry »

Electric Safari Session Rinviata a pasqua

by GroS 10 July 2009

meteoCausa maltempo che si sta per abbattere sopra la ridente località di Gaverland abbiamo deciso di rinviare il photoshooting ai giorni 12 e 13 di Aprile

March 28th Electric Safari Session @ Gaverland

by GroS 10 July 2009


Saturday 28th @ Gaverland there will be the Electric Safari Session. Here the program:

Saturday morning fotoshooting with the Electric ski and snowboard team on a big jump made just for the session by Mattia Molnar, Alessandro Bianchetti and the Soul Park City Boys with the Gaverland powerfool tools.

If that’s not enough, saturday night the park on the bottom of the mountain it will be open with the lights.

Saturday night @ Campras BBQ, and from the 23:00 bastard party with dj Cor/radio.

For hotel booking:
HOTEL EUROPA: tel. 0365/903095; or 349/2817526
RIFUGIO CAMPRAS: tel. 0365/99210 or 349/6740477

Daniele Galli Stereo international rider

by davidelp 10 July 2009
Daniele Galli - Stereo Sound Agent from Italy

Daniele Galli - Stereo Sound Agent from Italy

Since a few weeks on the Stereo website there are some photos of our team rider Danny Galli. How come?! Simply, tricks, bangers and amazing videoparts bought him a pass to the Stereo International ranks. From MayDay distribution the last Daniele Galli videopart.

Check out some new tricks in the DC tour video report.

Powderalert… l’inverno è ritornato!

by Vanessa 10 July 2009

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Mattia interview on Entry[lang_jp]Entryによるマッティアのインタビュー[/lang_jp]

by GroS 10 July 2009


On the cover of Entry # 22 Mattia Molnar is doing a front flip indy. Inside there is a good interview with our suisse rider. The interview by Taz is about the feelings of Mattia for the snowboarding scene in Ticino Switzerland, and his true love for the mountain… He speaks about the Intol Crew project and how he sees himself in the future. Boiler did the shoots and he did a very good job.


by GroS 10 July 2009


Powderalert a Ischgl

by Vanessa 10 July 2009

Snowboarders + skiers smettete di lavorare.. champagnerpowder sta aspettando !

Qui a Ischgl (Paznaun/Tirolo/Austria) snowboarding è fantastico..

ma non dimenticare .. pericolo di valanghe!

scusate gli errori .. non è la mia madrelingua..

un salutone da Ischgl – Powstria

Doppio Front Flip per Babbo Natale

by davidelp 10 July 2009

Selva di Val Gardena, 23 dicembre 2007. Mattia Molnar è stato protagonista della prima tappa del Tiguan Pro Jump tour. Nonostante l’influenza e un brutta botta al torace durante il traning, Mattia ha impressionato tutti, con un doppio front flip da paura atterrato preciso e pulito come se niente fosse, facendo esplodere un infreddolito pubblico altoatesino. Dimenticavo che si è tolto lo sfizio di fare questo trick in qualifica meritandosi il primo posto ovviamente. Io ero quasi commosso a vedere il nostro Mattia abbondonare la gara mentre era in testa e veder sfumare così la possibilità di portarsi a casa un bel montepremi, ma povero con la febbre e uno stiramento al petto, a -10° si fa fatica a stare in piedi, figuriamoci a testa in giù su un jump da 18 metri. Forza Mattia ci vediamo a Bormio per la rivincita.

Mattia abbandona la gara distrutto