We are proud to introduce you to the first ever bastard Bali Collection! Forget about surfing, the wind blowing your hair and the beautiful seaside.
The Balinese people we played with, love to spend time organizing bootleg races with homemade dragsters on the infamous 200 mt. of the dusty roads around Kuta, and they definitely don’t waste their time with basa-basi (a.k.a. introductory talks). They We’re more “straight to the point” type of dudes, and when we hang out at night, we like to dress nicely.
If you ever had the chance of walking around in the island, then you know that in Bali, there are a lot of dogs wandering around, and sometimes they jump out of an alley or a bush… don’t ever look in their eyes! They may be cute and endearing, but if you’re in their territory they’ll read your staring as confrontation, and bite you. Watch out! Most of them have rabies.

Balinese design, local materials and Proudly MADE IN BALI by Those Lazy Italians.