Edo Paris – some heads are bigger than others
by jep 20 February 2013In the newsstands around Italy since a few days, the new 6:00AM Skateboard Culture Magazine issue sports an Edo Paris double page bastard ad, shot by Giuliano Berarducci.
Edo rides on a skateboard from at least 20 years and his one of the most powerful and all-around skaters ever in Milan. During some days of the week you can find him at the bastard store where he works as store manager.
BigHead Edo!
Unreleased Projects – Italian Movies Adv
by jep 20 February 2013This bastard ad was the first one of a series on italian movies… Io sto con gli ippopotami with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill (1979).
It was never published but we’ve always kept the draft hanging on the wall in our offices as it was too cool and it portrays Marcin and Nikolai together.
Marco Lambertucci in new Blind ad
by jep 20 February 2013On the new issue of the online skateboard mag a brief glance – made by italian photographer Davide Biondani – is published this double page spread of a Blind ad with Marco Lambertucci deeply nose grinding.
Our Friends Are Our Heroes – Lukas Goller
by andreav 20 February 2013Lukas Flash Goller, photographed by Denis Piccolo while filming for Too Much Too Serious, spent last winter mostly in the alps; besides snowboarding he was designing and testing the new bastard snowear collection.
Among his great inventions, the closet pocket in the Goja jacket, in which you can store pretty much all you need in the mountains.
Lukas is a snowboarder, designer and visionaire. He might not have superpowers, but once you get to know him, he’ll look like a superhero to you. He already is in our eyes.
We’re One Big Target Market!
by jep 20 February 2013Ho riscoperto solo di recente che uno dei miei websites preferiti è ancora online con i primi numeri dell’inizio 1994, esattamente quando è iniziata bastard (e Freezer magazine l’anno successivo). Sto parlando di Flakezine
In un periodo in cui le grandi snowboard companies si sforzavano in tutti i modi di essere cool e di usare il linguaggio giusto per poter parlare alla nuova generazione, quelli di Flake non perdonavano nulla e pestavano giù duro. Doverosamente! Erano gli unici a farlo. Flake usciva quando più piaceva loro senza nessuna scadenza (non soffrivano della sindrome da devo-aggiornare-il-web) ma sopratutto quando avevano qualcosa di interessante da dire e qualche obiettivo da colpire.
Quei punks mi hanno ispirato e divertito davvero tanto.
Adesso che ci sarebbero ancora nuovamente tutti i presupposti per cotanta irriverenza… dove sono i paladini?