Sud Sound System in Milano

by GroS 14 September 2009

The italian reggae band Sud Sound System came by our offices on thursday to personally invite us at their concert wich was held the same night at the PD party. They even rocked our gear on stage!

We took some pictures here in our offices and then again at the concert, check’em out… I realize that the equation is now crystal clear: Sud Sound System stands for Salento as much as Bob Marley stands for Jamaica. Go see for yourself next summer in Salento! Next dates Bologna and Rome!




Sud Sound System live


Sud Sound Sytem live

Nina Zilli interview

by GroS 14 September 2009

Some days ago Nina Zilli came to visit us. Her record is coming out friday 11th september, so we asked her a few question about it. The interview is in italian and she is talking about her songs and some oddities about the bastard bowl… (some night she came to help out for the making of the surface).

Here the presentation tour:
september 11 Fnac – Milano h 18:00
september 15 Fnac – Roma h 18:00
september 16 Feltrinelli – Bologna h 18:00
september 17 Fnac – Torino h 18:00
september 28 Fnac – Verona h 18:00.

Good luck Zilli.

What a genius!

by GroS 14 September 2009

Just listen what they say and you will understand the faces of the crowd! 2 Live Crew is my favorite band all time!

Rock ‘n Roll!

by GroS 14 September 2009

Here some Rock ‘n Roll! I just hang the phone with Yari Copt, not only a good friend of mine, also one of the Lazy Riders, designer for bastard of the Warriors line and a f++kin rock star.
He just get back whit his band Those Furious Flames from Bulgaria were they played with Faith No More.
Now they are ready to shoot the new videoclip. So I put on this clip and i just want some Rock ‘n Roll.

Innse: una battaglia vinta.

by GroS 14 September 2009

innse_operai_brindano_operai_contro--400x30014 mesi di occupazione e una settimana su un carro ponte per gli operai della Innse di Milano. Tutto per difendere il loro posto di lavoro, e ce l’hanno fatta. Sono passati dall’essere sotto sgombero (chiaramente ad agosto quando tutti sono belli tranquilli e in vacanza), ad avere di nuovo il loro posto di lavoro, si perchè l’imprenditore bresciano Attilio Camozzi ha rilevato l’azienda con gli operai. Gente che tiene così tanto al proprio posto di lavoro merita di lavorare. Per quanto mi riguarda i 4 operai che da una settimana erano sul carro ponte, sono gli eroi di quest’estate e spero che queste quattro persone abbiano delle famiglie con dei figli, cosicchè possano andare in giro a testa alta fieri dei loro padri. Un grande esempio di lotta operaia. clicca qui per la news

Ready the Mini combi bowl – Corsico (Milano)

by GroS 14 September 2009


Here we are! Today, the bowl has passed the test in front of the architects.

Now the bowl in Travaglia park (via liberazione Corsico, Milano) is open, is free and  is skateable also in the night with the lights.
For the opening party we need to wait until the 27th of september.

bastard Grill’Em All – Val Senales: report

by GroS 14 September 2009

Tobias Sherlin bs rodeo sul gap

Man, we make it safe! It was not easy at all, special for the Grill and the party, but the week end in Val Senales was great…

Saturday morning Supersession at the big Jump and Ignorant Session at the pool, check the gallery below. In the afternoon we grll and dink the all day at the skatepark. Nikolai Danov and Marco Lambertucci were skating and we were playing ignogolf!

Simon Gruber sw bs 900 sul salto grosso per tutta la mattina! gli skiers come al solito vanno grossissimi Tobias Sherlin meno grosso del solito per risparmiare energie per la festa

The night was too cold for party outside, so we moved to the Leon’s pub and the party went crazy (as usual over there).

Ale Bianchetti arrivato in Senales con il suo camperino a passato la mattina a cappottare sui saltoni L'arrivo di Lukas Goller scatena l'ignaranza Guli windsurfer per un giorno

Simo Gruber, la seggiovia è chiusa scatta l'ignoranza... Lukas e lo swing Elmar hands up in the air!

Jimmi non teme nulla shaper death race

Thanks to Gentlemen Riders, Alex Fakieshop, all the riders, drinkers and party animals! It’s always good to spend a couple of days there, they are champions in “happiness”!

Gros alle prese con lo strumento locale Tobias e lo Schnolser Pfeif Tobias Sherlin in versione notturna mentre Davide tiene duro come un ragazzino

Guli il vero party animal della serata Lukas Goller in un bicchiere la coco in uno il rum Tobias Sherlin domenica mattina ore 13

Nina Zilli feat. Giuliano Palma: 50mila

by GroS 14 September 2009

It just come out the new song of our friends Nina Zilli with Giuliano Palma. This is just the first single. Music and lyrics are by Nina. The album, produced by Universal, will come out at the end of August and it will be a dope! Keep an eye on this girl, you will hear a lot about her!

Green Tuesday: Alex Sorgente

by GroS 14 September 2009

A couple of Tuesdays ago Alex Sorgente came to visit us on his way back from Marseille. He was going to Bologna for the contest at Elbo skatepark (where he won everything).
Travelling with his father and his uncle, he just stopped in Milano to check out the bastard bowl.
He skated non-stop for at least four hours until was time to go to bed…

Off the Wall Summer Splash contest

by GroS 14 September 2009


This saturday there is the Summer Splash in Cesena. From 10:00 in the morning untill 8:30 in the night.

Douring the day some best tricks contests, material prize for the not-sponsored skaters and cash for the pros (2000 €).

Material is coming from Vans, bastard, DUmb, Baker, Plan B, Fvtvra, Strange e Consolidated.

Night party at Bagno Universale 80 in Cesenatico ponente: aperitivo and Reggae music with Nameless Sound,  and dj set Dancehall and Jamaican Vibes.

To sleep:

Pensione Susanna

V.le Cavour, 7
Cesenatico Ponente
20€ per person on a double room

Hotel Dani

Via G. da Verazzano, 19
Cesenatico Ponente
32€ per person on a double room


IAT Cesena – tel 0547356327