A Nomad point of view, Lupi videopart.

by GroS 16 May 2008

A Nomad point of view is the name of the video product by the spanish skate company called Nomad. this is Lupi‘s videopart

bastard bowl: work on site goes on

by jep 16 May 2008




Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

The Master Plan

The Master Plan

The smiths

The smiths

Numbered parts

Numbered parts

Pray for me: Jason Jessee movie

by GroS 16 May 2008

In today’s professional skateboarding, with top “athletes” easily making million dollar, I wanna talk about a legend of skatebording, this is a movie about Jason Jessee a skater superstar of the end of the 80’s. A man who never make a decision based on the money. A real genius or a real lunatic, I don’t know, the line between the two is very thin. Click here for the trailer[l/ang_en]

Bauli in China out everywhere

by GroS 16 May 2008

Marco Lambertucci in febbrary was with the Blind Europe for the China tour. Now is on Linked and Skateboard magazine # 57

Photoshooting in Milano

by GroS 16 May 2008

In these days the Lazy Riders are around Milano to shoot some footage with Julien Castel and Filip Zuan. Special guest Ale Magnani From Switzerland.

Extreme Pete kicks ass

by GroS 16 May 2008

I found this sponsor me video surfing on the Tube… Danny, can you take him?

Fridge-van Spaghetto

by jep 16 May 2008

Gianluca Mariani and Carletto Lalumera, two long time skaters from Milano, today discovered to the people at the local Parco Lambro Skatepark, their fridge-van Spaghetto that you can see in the pics below.

Frigo-van Spaghetto

Frigo-van Spaghetto

  • useful – keeps cool many beers
  • beautiful – the design speaks for itself
  • transportable – with balanced wheels it can ride on the worst terrains and you can take it with you everywhere
  • ecologic – instead of trashing an old fridge and a cradle you can reuse them cleverly. Loaded with ice blocks it keeps the temperature for the whole day.
  • economic – go visiting your attic and maybe you’ll find all the materials to build your own version

If this is their contribution to the upcoming design week in Milano… Design Award ad honorem!

Nikolai ‘Slept On’ on Kingpin

by GroS 16 May 2008

On Kingpin N.52 there is an 8 pages presentation (aka Slept On) of Nikolai Danov made by photographer Mirai Pulvirenti.

“It’s 8200… is it ok?”

by jep 16 May 2008

Viti e bulloni

Today we received nuts, bolts, screws etc. from Fixing Systems for the assembly of the bastard bowl that we’ll start to build during the next week… it’s a 200 Kg. box with 8200 pieces inside!

These are the parts for the structure only, the layers are excluded… what a useless wooden toy!

Night Session @LambroSkatepark – Milano

by andreav 16 May 2008

Daniele Galli

Yesterday night at the LambroSkatepark here in Milano there was a photosession with Daniele Galli, Nikolai Danov e Cristian “amen” Amendolara. It’s soo fun to skate at dark… unfortunately the Milan City Council still insist on negating lights to the skaters while claiming the city a modern one and hooray for the Expo. So we had to use our own.