Academy of Skateboarding – Open Day

by jep 14 October 2015

bastard Academy of Skateboarding - Open Day

Do you want to learn how to skate the bowl?

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Come to spend 1 hour with us in the bastard bowl or share with your friends. It’s FREE but space is limited… hurry up if interested.

We at the bastard store definitely took so long to start this program because we always had a sort of repulsion for schools and teachers (based on our personal experience both in skateboarding and in the wider learning field).

On the other hand we had so many requests over the years for lessons, schoolstraining and all sorts of HowTos (yes, people love them!) that the pressure was too much not to handle this matter. Also we’ve seen lately that the environment is over populated with all sorts of “skate teachers” appointed by some kind of “official organizations” pretending to tell you what is good or not and how. Even basing the teaching on some invincible method where you learn by not making mistakes.

Well… we think that’s mostly bullshit and we hope that you will soon learn to fall, rise and fall again being able one day to even build your own obstacles to overcome, enjoying the journey and not worrying about the arrival.

So we decided to do it our way and launched an Open Day in our offices on Saturday, 24 October to see how things will evolve, together.

You Focus On What Matters

by jep 14 October 2015


Danny can focus on his backside ollie over the loveseat as WE focus on building HIS clothes for skateboarding, like the comfort Chino pants made out of 10,5 oz. slub cotton that he wears in the video.

At 36 we don’t know so many skaters so consistent to put out a videopart as the one that came out today for DC. Check it out!

Presidents’ Hair Cut

by jep 14 October 2015

Presidents' Hair Cut by Paolo Proserpio [photo: Andrea Rossetti]

According to Paolo Proserpio “American Presidents have a beautiful haircut”, enough to win the main wall of the bastard bowl with the Wall Paint Contest 2015.

Starting May 7, a two months delirium made of acrylics, wood, cockroaches, pigeons, Big Babols, spray cans, nails and screws, reveals details and pieces of the pop culture. Jackie, the most stylish wife of all (John Fitzgerald Kennedy R.I.P. 1963) is effigy of the brand of the Presidents’ hair lacquer: Hair Cut.

A pattern on the label mix sacred and profane: Lee Harvey Oswald (killer of Kennedy) with Jack Ruby (killer of the killer of the 35th president), whose eponymous band is also the soundtrack of these two months of work.

The 60 Jaquelines Lee Bouvier watch with their third eye on the 5 presidents of the 5 American notes: 1, 5, 10, 20 and 100 sprouting from the bowl (such as the Rocky Mountains) in size 8.10 x 1.90 meters with an optical pattern.

Presidents' Hair Cut by Paolo Proserpio [photo: Andrea Rossetti]

Presidents' Hair Cut by Paolo Proserpio [photo: Andrea Rossetti]

Presidents' Hair Cut by Paolo Proserpio [photo: Andrea Rossetti]

Presidents' Hair Cut by Paolo Proserpio [photo: Andrea Rossetti]

Presidents’ Hair Cut was installed on July 4, 2015: Independence Day.

All photos by Andrea Rossetti.

Bastards Everywhere Competition Call with DA

by jep 14 October 2015


We are glad to announce for the second year the Bastards Everywhere competition, in collaboration with Domus Academy. The competition aims to develop new products or  capsule collections by gathering design, materials, traditions, use and costumes in a genuine bastard style from your country.

Get the best out of your country or share with your friends around the world.

Lambrotherday Skate Party

by jep 14 October 2015


Sunday May 24 there is party going on with the Lambrothers, starting from 3PM at the Parco Lambro Skatepark (subway green line M2 Udine stop). Come with friends, it doesn’t matter if they ride on skateboard or not, it will be fun.

[…] si festeggia un pezzo di storia del bowlriding italiano: dodici anni di skateboarding in parco Lambro! Il contest inizierà dopo le ore 15.00 ma sarà solo un pretesto per fare festa. La direzione artistica di questa “jungle edition” è affidata a Edo Paris che ha sviluppato una formula ispirata direttamente alla selezione naturale: la Royal Rumble! Quest’anno saremo supportati da una coralità di companies, distributori, associazioni, enti locali ed artisti. La colonna musicale dell’evento sarà come sempre curata da dj Machete. Con la clemenza del bel tempo si prospetta una domenica on fire. Would you like some bananas?

Termites do not forgive in Washington D.C.

by jep 14 October 2015


When Washington D.C.’s skater and photographer Anthony Smallwood (@brokensquare on the gram) stopped by the bastard store for a visit sometime ago, he had told us about his ongoing work on the documentary photo book of a pool skating scene located in Washington DC. It was too good for not to spread the word in our circle. Read the rest of this entry »

Wall Paint Contest 2015 winner

by jep 14 October 2015

Today the jury made their final decision on WPC entries, and we have the winner…

bastard Wall Paint Contest winner 2015 - Paolo Proserpio

Paolo Proserpio, with his work named Presidents’ Hair Cut Rocks that you see in the picture above. Paolo (Proserpio as we call him here) isn’t a new name for us, as he frequently collaborates with bastard on different levels and on different graphical projects. We always have a subject in common: the print. He also teaches Printing Techniques and Brand Identity at the IED school in Milano.

Proserpio will use collage, acrylics and even some spray paint (hair lacquer?!) for his work on the main wall, in the coming days. If you want to know more about this dude follow him on instagram @paoloproserpio Read the rest of this entry »

Max Bonassi x Local Rats

by jep 14 October 2015


The new bastard Local Rats t-shirt is a tribute to two of the skaters that left their deepest mark at the bastard bowl: Jacopo Carozzi and Aref Koushesh.


The artwork, pencil designed by the italian father of skateboarding Max Bonassi, in full 80s style, is inspired by one the the best shots ever taken in the bowl by photographer Giuliano Berarducci.  The original photo has been published on Thrasher Magazine, as a poster on SHARE Skateboarding and is available as a free gift in the shape of a postcard at the bastard store.


The Wall Paint Contest 2015 begins

by jep 14 October 2015


Today the bastard Wall Paint Contest to paint the bowl wall begins and you can start sending your artwork to the judges. This year the works received within 9th April 18th April 2015 will be printed and exhibited at the bastard store during the week of Salone del Mobile (a.k.a. Milan Design Week – yes we will open all of our spaces for the occasion and we will host daily skate sessions in the bowl too, every afternoon until dusk!)

Time is short but as we all know, this is only another kick to creativity. Read the rest of this entry »

Bastards Everywhere competition with DA

by jep 14 October 2015


We are glad to announce the Bastards Everywhere competition in collaboration with Domus Academy. The competition aims to develop new products or  capsule collections by gathering design, materials, traditions, use and costumes in a bastard style from your country.

Get the best out of your country!