Nicola Giordano – some heads are bigger than others

by vecho 20 February 2013

Nicola Giordano in BS sunset ollie during a session at the Creedence Skatepark in Brescia, when winter had not yet begun…

Daniele Galli – Skateboarding Therapy

by jep 20 February 2013

About a year ago, while skating the bastard bowl, Daniele Galli got injured.

An average person would require physical therapy for the recovery process. He would there find physical therapists, nurses and advanced machinery to do the job.
We can safely say that Daniele Galli is not your average person since what you see here was his way to recover from a nasty injury.


Labour day session

by giuli 20 February 2013

Still curled up in my bed sheets i get up to the hubble-bubbling of the classic labour day demonstration marching beneath my window, followed by another group in which i glimpse a palestinian flag, but the language spoken over the speakers doesn’t help me and my neighbour in understanding what it is exactly about…

After snapping a picture of the demonstration, i jet to the Lambro where we gather for heading to the Polaresco bowl in Bergamo.
So we sail with Amen and the Giordano bros; we meet there with Galli, Cattaneo and Formenti, along with a few locals and Bergum.

We then go to the Creedence Skatepark in Castrezzato, near Brescia, where we see a big party going on, picnic tables and good food, kids playing in the open fields, flea market, and the sweet transitions built by Seba Rossi, Kendall & co.

The park is genuinely fun, and the guys are already working to expand; a really good vibe with a great party for labour day, topped off with the night concert, which unfortunately we could not attend.

Thanks Creedence boys, see you next time!