Whileitlasts Skatepark

by vecho 11 February 2011

How many things does Lukas Goller have to juggle for soothing his visionary madness?

Way too many, but never enough.

Snowboarding is not enough, drawing is not enough, and not even designing snowboard apparel seems to be enough now.

In order to compensate for his madness disguised as genius good ol’ Lukas had to dive into another project, the making of the Whileitlast, which is a temporary skatepark in the Innsbruck area, built out of recycled materials.

Take a look at whileitlasts and learn the lesson: with little you can do a lot.

The Last Call – Winter 2011

by jep 11 February 2011

There are a thousand reasons for having a Skateboarding tradeshow, and no reason for not making it …

After the summer experiment, The Last Call is hosted at the Lambretto Art Project in Milano for its first winter edition on february 12, 13, 14 2011.

The Last Call is the only skateboarding tradeshow created and managed by the main heads of the italian skateboard business, among which Max Bonassi.

Skateboarding, surprise contests, excellent video screenings and all the latest news from the industry.

We will be there with the product previews for bastard, Jart and Electric products, come visit our booth.

Blue Wednesday: Ivan Rivado

by jep 11 February 2011

Last Wednesday, for the Launch Party #29 Ivan Rivado from JART Skateboards paid a visit to the bastard store and set the bowl on fire!

Unreleased Projects – Italian Movies Adv

by jep 11 February 2011

This bastard ad was the first one of a series on italian movies… Io sto con gli ippopotami with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill (1979).

It was never published but we’ve always kept the draft hanging on the wall in our offices as it was too cool and it portrays Marcin and Nikolai together.

Affiliate in Puertorico

by giuli 11 February 2011

I just came back from a nice Puertorico tour with Affiliate Skateboards, although i quickly hit Chicago on the way back, where the Affiliate headquarters are at, to organize the material with the boys and to get ready for the winter in Milano.

The crew was well sorted and moving 13 heads altogether wasn’t always the easiest task, but i have to say  that things got handled pretty smoothly. Besides hitting an alarming number of spots, we even got a chance to check the beach on our given sunday, and it was well worth it.

Showing us around the Isla Del Incanto, besides some awesome locals, we had Johnny Fonseca, half Puertorican half Chicagoan, ex-pro for Real and later Affiliate, and Brad Johnson of San Francisco, moved to the island for romantic reasons.

Sam Maguire’s lens snapped all the notable action which will be soon featured in an article (could be on The Skateboard Mag), besides a video report soon available online thanks to our ever present two filmers.

You can check out the full story and updates on the Affiliate Skateboards blog.

Our Friends Are Our Heroes – Warriors Skateboards

by giuli 11 February 2011

Yari Copt refers to the Warriors as a very serious Swiss skate company. Everytime i go to Lugano for a photoshoot i come home exhausted. But watching Gilles Gallicchio, Martino Cattaneo, Igor Fardin & co. skate in real life pays me back everytime.

The Warriors are true veterans to the Jammin’ project. This is the fourth bastard Warriors collection, the clothing has evolved but the concept stays the same: 100% skate apparel.

Their latest video project Come Out To Skate was presented a few weeks ago and is available online, soon out in dvd.

Warriors magazine a.k.a. Wagazine

by jep 11 February 2011

The first issue of the wagazine – that is the  Warriors skateboards magazine – has just been published. With them bastard runs a collabo on some clothes since a few seasons.

It’s 138 pages of skateboarding and the transfer above of Julien Benoliel in the Marseille skatepark well represents the mood. Take a look.

Marco Lambertucci in new Blind ad

by jep 11 February 2011

On the new issue of the online skateboard mag a brief glance – made by italian photographer Davide Biondani – is published this double page spread of a Blind ad with Marco Lambertucci deeply nose grinding.

Marco Lambertucci on the cover of 6:00 AM

by davidelp 11 February 2011

6:00 AM pubblished a depth interview to Marco Lambertucci.

Skateboard, sponsor, trips, work and family; ten pages focused on the italian rider. Interview by Luca Crestani and Ale Radaelli, pictures by Osde and Davy Van Laere.

A good way to know more about one of the few italian skateboarder well appreciated outside Italy.

Bella Sbrauser!

Nicola Giordano for MC Skateboards

by giuli 11 February 2011

Edo Paris, bastard store manager and Mc Skateboards’ team manager, just published a little promo video for Nicola Giordano, recently acquired lazy rider.
This is the first time Edo challenges himself with filming and editing, and the way he describes the video in his little made me smile in a good way.
Here it goes:

Fingerprints and hairs on the lens, cutoff heads and final slam! This my first self filmed and edited video.
Introducing Nicola Giordano.
– Edo