This weekend really was scarily fun!
Starting with forecast: all the rumors about rain throughout the whole weekend proved wrong; it was sunny and nice… my god rides a skateboard.
The Concerts: the Punkreas played on friday night. Awesome concert, 3000 people singing under a mild gentle rain… The Punkreas after twenty years of activity still look like kids. Always a great vibe.
Saturday we saw the Ministri, i hadn’t seen’em live yet… This band rocks!
Skate: on Saturday the non sponsored contest where Fabio Ciurli, Lambro local, won. After the contest only Daniel Cardone was representing Quicksilver, since the demo didn’t happen. Supported by Andrea “Stanco” Sudati, Amen and Jimmy they did a great demo anyways.
On Sunday we were blessed by un unbelievable sunny day, and by one of the best contests i’ve recently been to.
Great skaters, great crowd, Daniel won the contest and the miniramp italian finals, and also the “Chicken for Rock’nRoll” contest. Which consisted in hitting the rubber chicken hung up over the extension.
Then was time to hit the fridge, the Gipsy with a bs 5-0, Pietro della Pierre fs nosepick, Jimmy Cantù feeble fakie, Sione Verona hurricane and then Martino Cattaneo shut it down with a fs disaster for a fat check.
Awesome, that’s i guess what we all needed, a weekend with friends, skate and beer, celebrating Daniel Cardone’s and Max Bonassi’s birthdays.
Bravo to the organizers, on of the best events of the year for sure!