Corsico mini combi bowl opening party

by GroS 24 September 2009


Friday 25 september in Corsico park named Parco Travaglia, there will be the mini combi bowl opening party.

Corsico Energy is a three days party starting today in the park and is all about Music, culture and sport.

Un tranquillo week end da paura – skate contest

by GroS 24 September 2009


This weekend really was scarily fun!

Starting with forecast: all the rumors about rain throughout the whole weekend proved wrong; it was sunny and nice… my god rides a skateboard.

The Concerts: the Punkreas played on friday night. Awesome concert, 3000 people singing under a mild gentle rain… The Punkreas after twenty years of activity still look like kids. Always a great vibe.

Saturday we saw the Ministri, i hadn’t seen’em live yet… This band rocks!

Skate: on Saturday the non sponsored contest where Fabio Ciurli, Lambro local, won. After the contest only Daniel Cardone was representing Quicksilver, since the demo didn’t happen. Supported by Andrea “Stanco” Sudati, Amen and Jimmy they did a great demo anyways.

On Sunday we were blessed by un unbelievable sunny day, and by one of the best contests i’ve recently been to.

Great skaters, great crowd, Daniel won the contest and the miniramp italian finals, and also the “Chicken for Rock’nRoll” contest. Which consisted in hitting the rubber chicken hung up over the extension.

Then was time to hit the fridge, the Gipsy with a bs 5-0, Pietro della Pierre fs nosepick, Jimmy Cantù feeble fakie, Sione Verona hurricane and then Martino Cattaneo shut it down with a fs disaster for a fat check.

Awesome, that’s i guess what we all needed, a weekend with friends, skate and beer, celebrating Daniel Cardone’s and Max Bonassi’s birthdays.

Bravo to the organizers, on of the best events of the year for sure!

Punkreas live @ Usmate 2009

punkreas live @ Usmate 2009

Daniel Cardone Chicken for Rock'n Roll



Bauli strikes again

by giuli 24 September 2009


Marco Lambertucci, a.k.a.the Bauli, after working hard throughout springtime on “extraskate” projects, took his summer revenge, travelling around and killing it on his board as usual! He went to Belgium and The Netherlands with Nikolai Danov and Davy Van Laere to shoot photos and film, to the Grill’em All in Schnals (on the Alps) and to top it off he went out on a nice photo mission with me on the Riviera Romagnola, the area where he’s from.

And last Sunday he scored the best trick at the ninth edition of the Zucka vs. tutti, with his signature frontside kicklip shot down a quite gnarly staircase! The lazy rider went back to his hometown Riccione with a big smile on his face and a 250 euros cash prize. Bravo! Click here to watch the event report.

Un tranquillo week end da paura

by GroS 24 September 2009


Bonassi’s Birthday is getting closer, meaning that bastard and bomboclat will be presenting, as usual in the last five years, the great skate contest at the Bonassodrome (a.k.a. the Usmate ramp): Un tranquillo week end da paura with music, skateboarding and beer at the Usmate sports center.

The program follows as below:

Friday 18th
9:30 PM concert
Punkreas + Goran D Sanchez

Saturday 19th
3 PM
Skateboard contest – CAT B
demo team QUIKSILVER + guests

9:30 PM concert
Ministri + Gang Bangalow

Sunday 20th
Skateboard contest – CAT A
€ 2.000 cash prizes
Sponsored by Vans e Quiksilver.

Happy birthday mr. president

by davidelp 24 September 2009

This is the Jep’s birthday video, shot by Andreo Lopes during a bastard bowl session with Daniele Galli. This is our way to celebrate our president birthday.

Supercharged World Premiere Sept. 26th in San Jose

by jep 24 September 2009

Pete Koff’s documentary Supercharged, the life and times of Tim Brauch will start at Camera 12 in San Jose on September 26th (6:30)… it sounds like is getting big with a two day party, contest and big bands playing.

Check for updates.

We are working to premiere here in Milano for late October… and looking for partners to cover all the expenses so that nobody has to pay any ticket. If you are interested show up now.

Ready the Mini combi bowl – Corsico (Milano)

by GroS 24 September 2009


Here we are! Today, the bowl has passed the test in front of the architects.

Now the bowl in Travaglia park (via liberazione Corsico, Milano) is open, is free and  is skateable also in the night with the lights.
For the opening party we need to wait until the 27th of september.

bastard Grill’Em All – Val Senales: report

by GroS 24 September 2009

Tobias Sherlin bs rodeo sul gap

Man, we make it safe! It was not easy at all, special for the Grill and the party, but the week end in Val Senales was great…

Saturday morning Supersession at the big Jump and Ignorant Session at the pool, check the gallery below. In the afternoon we grll and dink the all day at the skatepark. Nikolai Danov and Marco Lambertucci were skating and we were playing ignogolf!

Simon Gruber sw bs 900 sul salto grosso per tutta la mattina! gli skiers come al solito vanno grossissimi Tobias Sherlin meno grosso del solito per risparmiare energie per la festa

The night was too cold for party outside, so we moved to the Leon’s pub and the party went crazy (as usual over there).

Ale Bianchetti arrivato in Senales con il suo camperino a passato la mattina a cappottare sui saltoni L'arrivo di Lukas Goller scatena l'ignaranza Guli windsurfer per un giorno

Simo Gruber, la seggiovia è chiusa scatta l'ignoranza... Lukas e lo swing Elmar hands up in the air!

Jimmi non teme nulla shaper death race

Thanks to Gentlemen Riders, Alex Fakieshop, all the riders, drinkers and party animals! It’s always good to spend a couple of days there, they are champions in “happiness”!

Gros alle prese con lo strumento locale Tobias e lo Schnolser Pfeif Tobias Sherlin in versione notturna mentre Davide tiene duro come un ragazzino

Guli il vero party animal della serata Lukas Goller in un bicchiere la coco in uno il rum Tobias Sherlin domenica mattina ore 13

Green Tuesday: Alex Sorgente

by GroS 24 September 2009

A couple of Tuesdays ago Alex Sorgente came to visit us on his way back from Marseille. He was going to Bologna for the contest at Elbo skatepark (where he won everything).
Travelling with his father and his uncle, he just stopped in Milano to check out the bastard bowl.
He skated non-stop for at least four hours until was time to go to bed…

Off the Wall Summer Splash contest

by GroS 24 September 2009


This saturday there is the Summer Splash in Cesena. From 10:00 in the morning untill 8:30 in the night.

Douring the day some best tricks contests, material prize for the not-sponsored skaters and cash for the pros (2000 €).

Material is coming from Vans, bastard, DUmb, Baker, Plan B, Fvtvra, Strange e Consolidated.

Night party at Bagno Universale 80 in Cesenatico ponente: aperitivo and Reggae music with Nameless Sound,  and dj set Dancehall and Jamaican Vibes.

To sleep:

Pensione Susanna

V.le Cavour, 7
Cesenatico Ponente
20€ per person on a double room

Hotel Dani

Via G. da Verazzano, 19
Cesenatico Ponente
32€ per person on a double room


IAT Cesena – tel 0547356327