Electric Friends

by davidelp 17 May 2011

Special guests today at the bastard store: Marco Lambertucci, Luca Crestani and Sergio Minnici.

While Marco was shooting for the next bastard ad Luca and Sergio, just back from a tour in sunny Sardinia, renewed their style with new Electric shades.
Who guesses which superhero Bauli is going to pose in the next bastard ad will win his original New Era hat that he kindly forgot here.

Affiliate Puerto Rico trip report on TWS

by giuli 17 May 2011

This videoreport of the Affiliate Skateboards tour in Puerto Rico was recently published on the Transworld Skateboarding website. I had the honor to be part of the crew..

With much pleasure on my side my pictures and lifestyle footage were used in the montage… I feel a little bit of a filmer too now (no offense to real ones)!

Blue Wednesday: Alain Goikoetxea

by jep 17 May 2011

During the last Launch Party here at the bastard store we asked a couple of things to one of the owners and founders of CLAN 010 – also one of the best european skateboarders of the last decade: Alain Goikoetxea.

Marcin Memorial Day 2011

by giuli 17 May 2011

The second Marcin Memorial Day will take place on sunday, May 8th at the Cinecittà Skatepark in via Pasquale Stabilini 1, Rome.

The day is an occasion for rembembering our friend Marcin Solecki, who left us prematurely on May 14th 2010, in the best way we know: skating and spending a good day out altogether.

Goodbye Marcin!

Labour day session

by giuli 17 May 2011

Still curled up in my bed sheets i get up to the hubble-bubbling of the classic labour day demonstration marching beneath my window, followed by another group in which i glimpse a palestinian flag, but the language spoken over the speakers doesn’t help me and my neighbour in understanding what it is exactly about…

After snapping a picture of the demonstration, i jet to the Lambro where we gather for heading to the Polaresco bowl in Bergamo.
So we sail with Amen and the Giordano bros; we meet there with Galli, Cattaneo and Formenti, along with a few locals and Bergum.

We then go to the Creedence Skatepark in Castrezzato, near Brescia, where we see a big party going on, picnic tables and good food, kids playing in the open fields, flea market, and the sweet transitions built by Seba Rossi, Kendall & co.

The park is genuinely fun, and the guys are already working to expand; a really good vibe with a great party for labour day, topped off with the night concert, which unfortunately we could not attend.

Thanks Creedence boys, see you next time!

Ledge at Lambro

by giuli 17 May 2011

A hard working crew gathered on Saturday night in order to build a concrete fixed ledge at the Lambro Skatepark.

Cohesive teamwork gave the desired result in a short time, although i didn’t do much with the excuse of documenting the whole op.

Thanks to everybody present on Saturday now even an invetered, and moroned, streeter like me will have his piece of heaven at the Lambro park.
And, who knows, in between a tailslide and a k grind i might finally drop into those, for me, long dreaded transitions…

Thanks and thanks again, here is my contribution with this little photo report.

Marc McKee at bastard store

by davidelp 17 May 2011

Marc McKee and his artwork have been hosted at the bastard store during the days of Milan Design Week, too bad Marc packed everything up on tuesday and flew back to LA with his precious load of skateboards, sketches, drawings and stickers.

Thanks to Marc – who’s also the hand behind skateboardgraphics.com – to Blast! Distribution and to everyone who came by to behold the exhibition of a milestone in the history of skateboarding.

An interview with Marc aired on RAI5 inside the show Cool Tour on Wednesday, April 20th, here the video. [It’s italian language only, needs Microsoft Silverlight !? and starts at 00:08:38 …sorry for this]

A few copies of the book are still available at the bastard store along with the few silkscreen prints left, which were issued in a limited series of 30 pieces.
The graphic, which you can see in the photo above, is the Jesus taken from the famous Gabriel Rodriguez pro model for 101.

a brief glance 6

by davidelp 17 May 2011

“Do you know how big it is??”

Who knows Bauli has heard these words coming out from his mouth many times when he comes back from a huge spot as the one shown in the sequence above.
You’ll find the complete report in 6 issue of A Brief Glance, freshly published. As usual, lots of good pictures fill the pages of the online magazine that celebrates its first birthday.

Many more birthdays ABG!

Welcome back spring

by giuli 17 May 2011

Edo Paris, experienced scrutator of the milan suburban areas, calls me telling me he has found a juicy spot for a photo in his upcoming 6:00AM interview, on which we are currently working.

We meet up with the Giordano Bros, and the first real day of spring assists us flawlessly. Everyone goes home with the job done.

While Edo, as a 007, raises curiosity around the new spot on his facebook page, i’m feeling WikiLeaks enough today to expose this fat kickflip signed by Nicola Giordano.

Enjoy springtime everybody!

Our Friends Are Our Heroes – Danny Galli

by giuli 17 May 2011

Daniele Galli, during a physio session in his homeland, Valtellina. Very few know that frontside feeble grinds on elevator round bars are the best cure for recovering from a recent surgery with pins in your foot.

Unless you can get ahold of high grade kriptonite (and believe me it’s hard to find), it’s not easy to keep Danny away from skateboarding.